So, why do I have a food blog?
I think it is a good question. I am not trying to sell anyone anything and I honestly don’t care if any one subscribes. Yet after telling a million-and-one travel stories, trying food from all over the world and attempting to eat all 1,000 foods in the 1,000 Foods to Eat before you Die by Mimi Sheraton (a work still in progress), I decided to give food blogging a shot. After all, what else is there besides food? I watch food network, I love meeting celebrity chefs. I am thrilled if my local grocery store has a new type of melon/squash/cheese that I have not ever eaten. One year I worked my way through cooking every type of poultry that existed. Believe me, there are far more than you might imagine. There were and are very few foods I won’t try at least once. The late (sob) Anthony Bourdain said:
I’ve long believed that good food, good eating, is all about risk. Whether we’re talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime associates, food, for me, has always been an adventure.
I am not giving up my day job. I am still a Manager of Audiology at Rady Children’s Hospital, mother to my amazing daughter, Elena, who has just taken a policy job at the Pentagon after graduating with her Master’s Degree fromt Stanford and wife to my husband, Ivan who, at times, works on other continents or three states away. But what i have found, is when I am not busy being those things, I am trying to track down a difficult to find food item, or figuring out how to cook some new ingredient. This is my attempt to capture it on paper. We will see how it goes. So as Ruth Riechl said:
Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.
This is my food journey. I’m glad you are here to join me!
Julie K. Purdy