Spanish Orange Salad… Simple but Delicious
This is one of the very first things I made from the 1000 Foods to Eat Before you Die and I keep putting off writing about it because more novel things keep croping up. That being said, this is a REALLY nice salad. I gave the Spanish Orange Salad a go for a potluck event at my friend’s Liz & Scott’s old house over a year ago. If you google this and look for recipes, you will see they all have one thing in common and that is they use Oranges (go figure since it is called and Orange Salad). The idea is that you will slice the peeled oranges and that you will try for as many colors as you can muster, using a variety of oranges which will each have a slightly different hue. The dressing will be a mix of orange juice and olive oil and in most cases mint and salt/pepper. This is, however, where the recipes vary. I have seen recipes that include some of the following: black or green olives, red or white onion, almonds or pine nuts, chopped up ham, golden or brown raisins, etc. I have even seen versions that are sweeter in nature with powdered sugar. I am attaching a recipe that I liked-I opted for a white onion and also incorporated oranges, tangerines and grapefruit to add additional color. This was a big hit at the potluck and a nice change of pace from the typical fruit salad option.