Vanillekipfel (german vanilla crescent cookies)

One thing that did not change when while I was in Germany as a foreign exchange student was baking (and eating) home make Christmas Cookies.  This is one of my most favorite from my time in Germany. I make these every year.  I think it is the browned butter that makes these so wonderful.

Vanillekipfel (German Vanilla Crescent Cookies)

  • Servings: 10-12
  • Difficulty: easy
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1 ¼ cup flour

1 pinch baking powder

Slightly less than ½ cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 egg yolks

2/3 cup butter

1 ¼ cups ground almonds

1 tablespoon powdered sugar


Mix the flour and baking powder together on a baking board.  Add the sugar, vanilla and egg yolks to a portion of the flour.  Then add piece by piece the butter and the almonds so that the mixture is smooth, sticky dough.  Chill if it is sticky.  Roll into a long roll and cut in ¼ inch slices.  Each slice should then be rolled 1 ½ inches long, thinner at the ends and shaped into a crescent.  Place on a cookie sheet. Bake until light brown at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. When warm, coat with the powdered sugar.


