San Diego Pierogi Food Truck (YUM)
One of my favorite things in San Diego is the Pierogi Food Truck. I searched for Polish food in San Diego after returning from Poland and loving the pierogis we had in Krakow. In the 1000 things book, Bigos is listed and this was something I hadn’t eaten in Poland so I tracked down the Pierogi Food Truck to try Bigos and to get myself some peirogi. I am so glad that I did. On my first visit to the truck, I ordered Bigos which is a Hunter’s stew from Poland.
If you look at what goes into Bigos-it is consistently cabbage and many types of meat products which typically includes pork and sausage. I am a fan of Bigos but to be honest my most favorite thing they make is a pork goulash with what they call Silesian dumplings. They have amazing sausages, they have pierogi. Go to their website and find where they are serving their amazing food. They will not disappoint.