Making Fermented Pickles
Today I took a pickle making class put on by the San Diego Fermenters Club at Second Chance. My friend Sandy, Scott, Liz came along. Growing up, my mom canned pickles: beet and bean and sweet and dill pickles. We made sauerkraut and my mom used to make an amazing corn relish called chow chow. I learned today that every time we canned these items, we killed off the amazing probiotic benefits. Today we learned how to make fermented pickles complete with all of the great benefits of fermentation.
We tried a large variety of home make pickles paired with beers from Second Chance. Shockingly enough, pickles go well with beer. Besides learning about the fermentation process and make a bottle to take home. We learned all kinds of interesting little tidbits such as putting a grape leaf into the bottle will keep the pickles crispier or that you have to keep the jar open (covered to keep out the flies) to allow the gas to escape. I now have to wait a week or two to begin to eat what I hope will be wonderful garlic pickles. What is really interesting about fermented pickets is that the cucumbers are covered with salt and water brine which then sours and turns into vinegar.
Sandy and I rushed home and crept over to the Clopine’s to steal their cherry tomatoes. It is very compelling to cover things in salt and water and then just wait for them to materialize into pickles. With the fruits of our thievery, we made a batch of cherry tomato and tomatillo pickles. I hope to eat those even sooner… Who knew all it took was salt and water.
Want to learn more about making pickles?
-Lacto-Fermented “Kosher” Dill Pickles