Figs for Christmas (Part 1)

There really are so very many ways to eat figs and some of them are prefect to eat for the holidays. This year, I have pre-gamed with 4 different ways with more to follow. This is, for me, the year of the fig and I have revealed in eating them in all different ways. I have posted in the past about bonbon de higo which are truffle filled, chocolate dipped figs from Spain. They deserve a repeat nod because they are still the best chocolate item I have ever eaten… They are on the 1000 food list and for good reason. You can get them from igourmet. Buy more than you think you will need…

Zingerman’s had Roasted Figs from Colabria-they come wrapped in a grape leaf, tied with a cord and dripping in caramel flavor. You have to order them EARLY as they sell out. Handmade, shipped from Italy and amazing with cheese. These are not on the 1000 food list but only because Mimi hasn’t eaten them, I am sure.

The Italians also came up with something else fig based called Crocette stuffed figs. These are flattened figs shaped into a cross, with an almond and orange peel stuffed in them and then poached in a simple syrup. To die for. Ditalia has these in a variety of forms..

And not to be left out, the Sicilians (also Italians) stuff their figs in a dough, call it a cookie (cucidati) and sprinkle them with sprinkles. These are traditional St. Joseph’s day cookies (a holiday in March) but I ate my share of them for Christmas this year. Epicurus has a recipe on how to make these but I had them made by a local Italian baker (Very Aunt Mary-her stuff is amazing). She sells at Farmer’s markets in the San Diego area but I contacted her directly and picked up at her store in Vista.