DZ Akins: Romanian Skirt Steak & Stuffed Dirma
I have had a few things on the 1000 Things list to eat from the Jewish section of the book. I met a colleague for lunch at DZ Akins and not lunch, taking a few items home for dinner. For lunch I had Mishmash Soup which is a chicken broth and veggies with every type of carb that can go into soup: a matza ball, a Kreplach (Jewish dumpling) and noodles. While I had always wanted to try this soup, it is actually NOT on the 1000 Foods list. What was on the list was Romanian skirt steak and stuffed derma/kishka. So the Romanian skirt steak is a steak marinated with garlic, oive oil, oregano and smoked paprika. Served with mash potatoes and mushrooms, it was so tender and flavorful. The stuffed derma or kishka is a grain based dumpling or sausage that is stuffed into either a beef intestine or in some cases a chicken neck and cooked. The result is something that is grain based but has a meat flavor from the casing. The texture is that of a cooked sweat potato so soft but to me, I would not be able to tell what is made of-grain, meat, vegetable? I was not a fan but both Romanian Skirt steak and kishka are on the 1000 Foods list and the skirt steak was a winner. I couldn’t pass up the bakery and bought a box of rugelach… Rugalach is a 1000 thing, too, but one I have eaten 1000 times and could eat 1000 more.