Sartu di Riso
One thing about having the plague amongst us is that it does give you plenty of time to cook. Today I made Sartu di Riso which is a rice ring stuffed with Italian sausage, chicken, peas, mozzarella and tomato sauce. It is one of the things on the 1000 Foods to Eat Before you Die list and one that I had wanted to make. There were plenty of recipes on the internet but I turned to Giada de Laurentis for inspiration… I figured Sartu would be one of those things that might or might not turn out and I tried not to have too great of hopes that it would come out of the pan and yet it did!. The rice is really rich-mixed with parmasan and egg-and the filling, while tomato based, is unique with the blocks of maozeralla and peas.
I will concede that I am a sucker for a good red sauce. Paul Newman once said:
It is quite a dish.