Have a Hangtown Fry…

So I think it is time for another 1000 Foods to knock off the list. This time, it is Hangtown Fry. This is a simple, simple dish-essentially just an omelet to which lightly breaded and fried oysters are added. It is a dish that became popular during the gold rush and used to cost a fortune-mostly because the oysters had to be shipped up in salt water to the oil fields from places such as San Francisco. In modern times, what to the oysters add? Really, everything. They transform a boring little omelet into something decadent to eat. What recipe did I use? I used Saveur’s recipe mostly because they say it is based on the famous San Francisco Restaurant Tadich Grill (which is a 1000 Thing in it’s own right). Want to shake it up in the morning? Make a Hangtown fry. It is really delicious.