Nutella-Budino and Jay’s Nutella Bread

Nutella Bread

So in addition from being a great thing to eat by the spoonful’s from the jar, I have a few choice things a person can do with Nutella.  You can put a teaspoon full into a latte to make a quick Bicerin.  You can make brownies.  You can make budino which is an amazing pudding that I made recently for one of my friends b’day.  Finally, there is a bread recipe that my brother made that is literally one of the best things to ever eat.  And then, of course, you can eat it spoonful’s by the jar, but I started with that….


So if you want to make the bread, you’ll have to use the code listed below from my brother.  Trust me, the deciphering is worth the effort….

-Choco-Hazelnut Budino

30 Nutella Deserts that are beyond Dreamy

Nutella Brownies

