Vodka & Bar Snack Foods in Warsaw
So I am finally in Warsaw at a conference that was scheduled to be held two years ago…. I come, of course, in the middle of Russia’s war with Ukraine. It is heartening to know that millions of refugees are being integrated into Polish life and to see the strong support of Poland on the streets.
On my first night here, I took a little class that discussed Polish Vodka & bar snacks-one of which is a 1000 Things to Eat Before you Die Food. I learned that in order be called a Polish Vodka, they have to use original Polish Recipes, be made from ingredients grown in Poland, have a high enough proof to not freeze but can be bottled outside of Poland. Vodka is made with both potatoes and or grains and come pure, flavored with things like lemon or can be herbal such as the bison Vodka. More on that later…. So for the bar snacks there are, of course, pirogue, a stew called bigos which is also a 1000 Food made from tomatoes, sauerkraut and beef and something really interesting which is large smeared on rye bread eaten with sour cucumbers. A sour cucumber is a pickle but made w/o vinegar-using a natural vinegar process from airborne yeast. Back to the vodka… I am still not a big fan of the straight, pure vodka and while I like the medicinal bison grass versions, I have a new favorite company called Soplica. They flavor their vodka with many, many things. One interesting flavor was hazel nuts. My instructor told me it is often mixed with mild and tastes like Nutella. I am sure I’ll have more to say as the trip progresses but for now, Soplica is the favorite….