A Japanese rice ball “sandwich”: Onigiri

I recently discovered a new, healthy alternative to a sandwich.  For the record, I mostly hate

sandwiches so I often try to find most any possible option to find lunch alternatives I can eat at my desk as I try to get through the piles of work.  I work near Convoy Street in San Diego, and we have a number of amazing Japanese restaurants but hadn’t really considered them for a quick lunch option.  Thanks to my Idol, Mimi Sheraton, and her 1000 Foods to Eat  Before You Die, I have discovered  a new lunch option.  These are little rice balls/triangles with salmon, pickle, etc tucked inside.    According to Ms. Sheraton, these rice balls are popular for picnics in Japan and have been eaten since the 11th century.   I tried them at Yokohama Yakitori Koubou.  I tried one type of rice ball that was fried (but not greasy). The frying gave it a crispy outside. I also tried a non-fried option that had a  softer, sushi rice type outside.  Want to make your own?  Give it a try!

